Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Different Ministries/Divisions/Departments etc have sought clarification on the following points from Establishment Division.

i) The existing Stenographers/Stenotypists already working in BS-16 and BS-14 from 1983 (rendering 30 years service in BS-16 and BS-14) have been deprived to consider/give any promotion benefit, whereas they have only one to two years service to attain the age of superannuation, how they would get promotion benefit of Private Secretary (BS-17/BS-18)? The existing Stenographers/Stenotypist working in BS-16/14 may be upgraded in BS-17/15 one time basis.

ii) In provincial Government as well as in most of the Universities Stenotypist posts is of BS-12, Stenographers post is of BPS-15, while most of the Private Secretary's post which carries BPS-16 will be upgraded or otherwise?

iii) Stenographers working in BS-16 may be granted time scale BS-17 on the condition of three years service in BS-16. The newly/upgraded Stenographers (BS-16) may also be granted time scale BS-17 on completion of three years service in BS-16.

iv) Whether Project Staff is also entitled to the benefit of upgradation.

v) Due to the Devolution some of Federal Departments are devolved and their staff adjusted in Provincial Government on deputation basis they are also entitle for upgradation?

vi) On 23/12/2011 BS-18 awarded to Private Secretary on one time basis. Taking the benefit of the length of service O.M if they complete 12 years service they are entitled for BS-19 as Senior Private Secretary?

vii) Under whose jurisdication the selection of candidates against the post of Stenographer (BS-16), for initial appointment will fall; whether FPSC or DSC as generally the posts in BPS-16 (Gazetted ) and above fall under the purview of FPSC.

The Establishment Division is requested to give their advice on the above mentioned points/issues.