Friday, 29 July 2011

Stenographers upgradations case approved by Law Division and Finance Division is going to file CPLA in Supreme Court

        After the approval of Law Division, Finance Division is going to file CPLA in the Supreme Court of Pakistan today. Previously on 26/07/2011 the up-gradation case of stenographers  was referred to Law Division by  Finance Division. Attention of the referring Division invited to this Division's letter of even number dated 12.10.2010 read with para N whereby Govt.Council Mr.Javed Iqbal Wain has already been nominated in Appeals No.774 to 778(P)CS/2010 instituted by Khalid Riaz & others for upgradation of the posts of Stenotypist, Stenographer and Private Secretaries before the Federal Service Tribunal and Tribunal vide its Order dated 6.12.2010 has already disposed of the appeals. The operative para of the order is as under:-

"The appellants are stenotypists, Stenographers and Private Secretaries. Their request is that their post be upgraded as has been done in other departments and the appellants shall be considered by the Establishment Division, Finance Division, Controller General of Accounts sympathetically, with this direction, the appeals are disposed off"

The reference may, therefore be returned to the referring Divison for further  decision/action.